Energy Status

Anasayfa » Energy Status

Energy is of great importance for our site. Therefore, as a result of the persistent efforts of BEDAŞ institution and the cooperative management, the first energy input to our field was achieved.

In order to distribute the energy to the entire site, a large energy distribution center was put into our service within our Başkent energy field, even worth the space reserved for them.

BEDAŞ made a 1250 kWA transformer in block 90091 parcel no. 10, and in-block boxes are placed in the collective workplaces on the block 90084 parcel no 6, block 90091 parcel no. 24 and block 9011 parcel no. 8, LV cables were laid between the transformer and the in-block boxes, boxes were energized, recordholder cables were laid between the boxes inside the block and workplaces, and energy was supplied to 3 blocks.

Electrical installations were installed and lighting poles were erected to illuminate 2037 street which is located between block no. 90084 parcel no 6, block no. 90111 parcel no 24 and  block no 90091 parcel no 24.

7 subscription transactions for 5 workplaces, 2 automation and fire on block no. 90084 parcel no. 6; 21 subscription transactions for 19 workplaces, 2 automation and fire on block no. 90091 parcel no. 24; 18  subscription transactions for the 16 workplaces, 2 automation and fire on block no. 9011 and parcel no. 8 were concluded at BEDAŞ, and they were allowed to become electricity subscribers by obtaining the installation inspection result report.

Work has also begun on the construction of a separate transformer for 16 subscription transaction for 14 workplaces, 2 automation and fire within the block no. 90087 and parcel no. 7.